It’s finally happened.

The excitement of flying to a holiday destination has normally been sufficient to get me through pretty much any flight – irrespective of duration – that is until now.

The flight from Birmingham International to Frankfurt was most enjoyable. I sat next to a very attractive, and chatty, language teacher – her passion was teaching and travelling – we had a lot in common; the time flew by.

The next flight, Frankfurt to Cancun, was an agonising ordeal. Nothing to do with the excellent and extremely hospitable staff of Lufthansa. It just seemed to drag.

I usually avoid looking at the flight locator map, on the inflight entertainment screen, but I couldn’t take my eyes off it on this particular flight!

The situation was aggravated further by the extremely annoying German/Italian guy who sat next to me. His attempts to bore me to death were finally abated when I finally placed my head phones on and ignored him. Things became worse, towards the end of the flight, when the aforementioned bore asked if he could join me on the ADO bus from the airport to the centre of town. I reluctantly agreed.

Passport control was yet another opportunity for him to babble on about ‘nothing of any interest’. It was with much relief that we swept through passport control with relative ease.

We then had to wait an eternity for his bags (note the plural) to land on the carrousel and then, when we finally made it to security, we were both called to one side for a bag check.

His bag check unearthed a plethora of contraband, and it wasn’t long before a team of security police surrounded both him and the now spewed out contents of his suitcases.

Having cleared the bag check myself, I swiftly made a B line for the nearest exit and hot footed it to the ADO bus stop.

I just hope the return flight is somewhat more enjoyable.

Next stage: Cancun > Bacalar > Xcalak.

About Richard Griffith

My first independent travel experience was a trip to Israel, in 1997, it was here that I caught the 'travel' bug! In 2001 I took an 8-month sabbatical and traveled around South East Asia. Since then I have managed to visit most of Eastern Europe along with India, Bangladesh, and a few other destinations in between. I love travel and I love meeting new people.
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