Lanzarote part two – el Norte

From Arrecife I took the local bus to Órzola (1-hour north).

Órzola pop. 300

Most people just zip through Lanzarote’s mellow, secluded, most northerly fishing village en route to and from Isla Graciosa, but it’s worth lingering around. With majestic cliffs looming behind, the surrounding coastline has stunning little coves and strips of sand, while several excellent seafood restaurants flank Örzola’s port. I stayed at Perla del Atlántico – a superb self-catering option with great views across the harbour.


Jameos del Agua can easily be reached, by bus, from Órzola.

When molten lava seethed through this volcanic cavern around 5000 years ago, the ocean leaked in slightly, forming the startling clear azure lake that glints in the basilica like grotto at the heart of the Jameos, one of Manrique’s greatest masterpieces and the first of the intervenciones. The artist’s idea of installing bars and a restaurant around the lake and adding a white washed pool and a 600-seat concert hall (with wonderful acoustics) in the 1960s was a pure brainwave.

Jameos del Agua
Jameos del Agua
Jameos del Agua

Cueva de los Verdes is an easy walk approximately 1km from Jameos del Agua.

A yawning, kilometre long chasm, the Cueva de los Verdes is the most spectacular segment of an almost 7km long lava tube left behind by an eruption 5000 years ago. As the lava ploughed down towards the sea, the top layers cooled and formed a roof, beneath which the liquid magna continued to slither until the eruption exhausted itself.

Cuervos de los Verdes

Isla Graciosa pop 730

The only inhabited island of the far-flung Chinijo Archipelago, just north of Lanzarote , gorgeous sand-dusted Isla Graciosa was officially named the eighth Canary Island in 2018.

The best way to explore the island is on foot or bike. I enjoyed a leisurely 5-hour hike (a circular route) around the eastern side of the island, taking in some gorgeous beaches and natural rock features.

From Órzola, you can easily take a half-hour ferry to the island.

Isla Graciosa
Isla Graciosa
Isla Graciosa
Isla Graciosa

Next stage: Fuerteventura.

About Richard Griffith

My first independent travel experience was a trip to Israel, in 1997, it was here that I caught the 'travel' bug! In 2001 I took an 8-month sabbatical and traveled around South East Asia. Since then I have managed to visit most of Eastern Europe along with India, Bangladesh, and a few other destinations in between. I love travel and I love meeting new people.
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